Roll Me Up’s Exhibition Stand Catering for Santander at the Public Finance Show

Unique, interactive customer experience

In the bustling arena of corporate events, distinguishing oneself amidst a sea of competitors is paramount for any brand aiming to captivate attention and engage effectively with its audience. This was the challenge Santander faced at the Public Finance Show in London—an event teeming with opportunities for brand exposure and customer interaction. The quest was not just to be seen but to create an unforgettable presence that resonated long after the event concluded.

Elevating the Exhibition Experience

Santander’s mission was clear: to transcend conventional exhibition strategies and foster a memorable encounter that would draw visitors in and leave a lasting imprint of the brand’s ethos. The objective was multifaceted, aiming to amplify foot traffic, enhance brand engagement, and deliver an unparalleled, interactive customer experience that would set Santander apart.

Innovative Catering Solution: Ice Cream Rolls

The solution emerged through a partnership with Roll Me Up, specialists in crafting ice cream rolls that are as delightful to the palate as they are a spectacle to behold. Santander enlisted their expertise to introduce an ice cream roll station customized to mirror the bank’s brand identity. This innovative approach was poised to captivate visitors not merely through the allure of taste but with a visually engaging and interactive culinary performance.

Santander Ice cream roll exhibition stand catering
Busy ice cream roll stand for Santander

Designing a Bespoke Culinary Attraction

Central to this strategy was the creation of a bespoke ice cream roll station that would serve as the exhibit’s focal point. Its design was meticulously planned to align with Santander’s branding, characterized by vibrant visuals and interactive elements that promised to draw visitors from afar. The station was more than a mere catering setup; it was an invitation to engage with the brand in a uniquely immersive manner.

The flavours chosen for the ice cream rolls were deliberately crafted to incorporate Santander’s colors, adding a personalized touch to the culinary experience. Red Cherry Crumble and  Strawberry and Meringue were selected for their rich, reddish hues, symbolizing the brand’s visual identity in every scoop.

Transforming Catering into a Spectacle

The preparation of the ice cream rolls transcended traditional catering, turning into an enthralling show. Attendees were drawn to the spectacle of ingredients being masterfully mixed, spread, and rolled on a frozen pan. This performance did more than entertain; it engaged visitors in a narrative, making them active participants in a culinary journey that underscored Santander’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Innovative Exhibition Stand Catering as a Branding Tool

Impactful Results

The ice cream roll station’s impact was immediate and significant, drawing considerable attention and markedly increasing the number of visitors to Santander’s stand. This surge in foot traffic was matched by a profound enhancement in brand engagement. The unique offering and the interactive nature of the ice cream roll preparation fostered a deeper interaction with the brand, as attendees not only enjoyed the flavors but also the memorable experience of watching their dessert come to life.

Feedback from event attendees underscored the success of this innovative approach, with many highlighting the ice cream rolls as a standout experience of the show. The combination of customized flavors, vibrant visuals, and engaging service culminated in a distinctive and unforgettable customer experience that elevated Santander’s presence at the event.

Conclusion: A Model for Future Brand Engagements

The collaboration between Santander and Roll Me Up at the Public Finance Show exemplifies the transformative potential of innovative catering solutions in enhancing brand visibility and engagement. This venture went beyond conventional exhibition stand catering, providing a dynamic platform for Santander to interact with its audience in a memorable fashion.

The strategy of embedding brand identity into a catering experience proved to be a resounding success, creating a lasting impression on visitors and setting a benchmark for future corporate events. By turning the traditional concept of exhibition catering into an interactive, brand-centric spectacle, Roll Me Up helped Santander achieve its objectives, underscoring the power of creativity and customization in elevating the event experience.

This case study serves as a testament to the efficacy of thinking outside the conventional bounds of corporate event planning. It highlights how, with the right partnership and innovative approach, brands can significantly enhance their engagement with customers, leaving a lasting legacy that transcends the confines of the event itself.

bespoke ice cream roll cart, Santander




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